Madison Lintz, an American child actor and a popular TV actor who gained fame due to her role in the Walking Dead's horror-drama show The Walking Dead. Madison Lintz made her name as a well-known child actor in the year 2010 due to her portrayal of Sophia Peletier, a character in the cult television show. In recognition of her role, Madison was nominated as the Young Artist Award nominee in the category of Best Performance in TV Series by Young Actress Support. Madison's mother was an actress and she was exposed at a young stage to the high-energy and glamour in the world of entertainment. at the age of 6 her mother began to introduce Madison to the world of performing. Being a child on camera and performing in front of cameras, she didn't need to wait long to be a seasoned actor. She started her career performing commercials. She first got notice after one of her commercials for a national Golden Corral commercial was broadcast throughout the United States. Her character was selected to be Sophia as a character on The Walking Dead when she was just eleven years old. After the success she got other offers for acting and began appearing in films such as Parental direction and After.
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